Friday, September 28, 2012


This wonderful country (South Africa) is going through so much conflict. When will people learn that government and big business does not care about them and that it is no longer a race issue, it is simply a class issue. A lot of the big-shot mine bosses are now black, do they care? Do they pay better wages?

Where the poor lives

It started with strikes in the mining industry; this has now also spread to the transport industry. People are fighting for better wages, there is nothing wrong with this, it is just the way it is all happening that is rather sad. There is a lot of violence and conflict between, mostly the police and the protesters.

You have the miners and the police fighting each other (both working class people), while the big-shots sip their champagne and enjoy the “entertainment”. Stop fighting each other; you are in the same boat! Both police and miners are underpaid and over worked and with the cost of everything from bread to petrol (gasoline) sky rocketing, people are stressing and taking it out on each other. This method of “divide and concur” is so old, yet people still fall for it all the time! If it is not black against white, it is police against miners, but it always works, play the fools against each other and the 3rd party always win.

Where the rich lives

This reminds me of stuff that David Icke (yes that “mad’ man that believe there are other dimensional reptiles on the moon) wrote about. The amount of conditioning and programming that is part of civil (which includes the Police) training. The story goes that certain personality types are much easier to condition than others and they are picked up in the recruitment process. Apparently the control freak (sadistic) types are easier to manipulate, just give them a false sense of power. You just have to deal with anybody in a government/civil job to realize there is some truth in this.

The police can also never win, so you have to wonder why they keep on trying, obviously for that pathetic little paycheck at the end of the month, why else. The fact is, if they shoot to quickly, they are in trouble and if they do not shoot and things get out of hand, they are not doing their job. Damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

It is one thing to see this; it is altogether a whole different story to change other people’s perspective. I think the solution is for the police to strike with the rest, because all they are really doing is protecting the real criminals, the big-shot bosses. The only problem with this is that there is a law that prohibits the police from striking. Who exactly is this law protecting?

People of the South, I am proud of you for standing up for your rights, I am not so proud of your ignorance and your willingness to take your frustrations and fears out on the man next to you, the other man that is also just following orders, in order to get that paycheck at the end of the month. Let us go back to the bad old day, when did thing in this country really change? It started changing when people stopped fighting and started talking…. Violence is not the solution, especially not violence against somebody that is pretty much in the same sad situation as you.

Now I am hearing that the Government is planning on banning protests and strikes, hallo Dictatorship!

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